3 March 2023

But which Italian region is the top performer in photovoltaic energy? Let’s find out on Facile.it, the leader in energy offer comparisons.
The Spread of Photovoltaic Systems in Italy
For several years, the government has offered incentives to install a photovoltaic system: you can choose between a 50% tax deduction over 10 years or an invoice discount.
Many have taken advantage of the 110% Superbonus to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, combining photovoltaic systems with other interventions, such as replacing the boiler or adding external insulation. But which region leads in photovoltaic energy?
The Rankings
According to research conducted by Aceper, the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy, Piedmont is the region that generates the most electricity with 139,917,414 kWh, followed by Lombardy with 66,305,239 kWh and Veneto with a production of 49,221,066 kWh.
The top region in terms of efficiency, which is the ratio of actual production to expected production, is Valle d’Aosta. With 960,391 kWh produced against an expected 1,011,502 kWh, it boasts a ratio of 95%. The national average, however, is around 65%.
In second place is Emilia-Romagna, with an efficiency ratio of 87%, producing 37,939,525 kWh against an expected 43,840,630 kWh. Piedmont ranks third with 139,917,414 kWh produced and 162,741,031 kWh expected, resulting in an 86% ratio.
Abruzzo, Liguria, and Lombardy come in fourth with an 85% ratio, while Veneto, the third Italian region in terms of production, has an 84% ratio.

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