Press Release
Piedmont leads the ranking for photovoltaic production
According to data from a study conducted by Aceper (the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy) on a sample of over 5,000 photovoltaic systems located in 17 Italian regions, Piedmont ranks first in the production of photovoltaic …
International Cooperation: Shared Growth as a Shared Goal
Paolo Patrizio: “We need to go beyond boundaries” In this particular moment of global crisis—economic, geopolitical, health, labor, and even relational—the topic of international cooperation and integration as a gateway between worlds seems more central …
Renewable energy: Piedmont ranks first in all of Italy in energy production from photovoltaics
A study by Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy) on a sample of over 5,000 photovoltaic systems located throughout Italy places Piedmont first for energy production from …
Aceper Research, Photovoltaics: Piedmont Tops the Rankings for Energy Production. Comment from Councillor Marnati
According to data from a study conducted by Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy) on a sample of over …
Photovoltaic Production in Italy: The Ranking of Regions
Let’s find out the reasons behind this ranking. This achievement is made possible by the implementation of goals aimed at meeting European standards by 2030. The Results for Photovoltaics in Piedmont …
Piedmont is the leading region in photovoltaic energy production
The comment from the Regional Councillor for Environment and Energy, Matteo Marnati. According to data from a study conducted by Aceper (Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers …
Aceper Research, Photovoltaics: Piedmont Leads the Ranking for Energy Production. Comment from Councillor Marnati
Aceper Research, Photovoltaics: Piedmont Leads the Ranking for Energy Production, Regional Councillor for Energy, Matteo Marnati: “This demonstrates the great …
Piedmont is the leader in energy production with photovoltaic systems
A study by Aceper (Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers) on a sample of over 5,000 photovoltaic systems across Italy places Piedmont first in energy production from photovoltaics …
Photovoltaic: All the Latest Updates and Incentives for Home Installation, and New Regional Tax Breaks
At the national level, the Revenue Agency has published the rules for claiming the tax credit granted for expenses related to the installation of energy storage system …
Piedmont: Aceper research on photovoltaics, Region leading in energy production
Turin, November 14, 2022, 10:05 AM – (Agenzia Nova) – According to research conducted by the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy …
Various benefits for training your own staff
Today, for any entrepreneur, having employees with increasingly qualified skills is an essential requirement. Equally important is the opportunity to access public funding, which can support …
Photovoltaic: Aceper, “Aosta Valley is the most virtuous region, Piedmont is the most productive
President Pitea’s appeal to the government: “We need to focus on how to increase the power and productivity of our plants, not on how to save by reducing consumption” …
Interview with Veronica Pitea on TGcom24
Aceper on TGCOM 24 (Mediaset) – Interview with Veronica Pitea, President of A.C.E.P.E.R
Aceper on TGcom24 (Mediaset) – Interview with Veronica Pitea, President of A.C.E.P.E.R
Photovoltaics, Piedmont is among the most virtuous regions
From being champions of smog and Olympic medalists in pollution, here’s some good news: Piedmont is on the podium when it comes to photovoltaics. This is according to a study by Aceper …
Aceper Research: Photovoltaic – Piedmont Tops the Rankings for Energy Production
Councillor Marnati: “While we await the release of the decree for the establishment of energy communities, this data demonstrates the region’s ability to invest in photovoltaics” …
Photovoltaic: Piedmont Tops the Rankings
According to data from a study conducted by Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy) on a sample of over5 ,000 photovoltaic systems across 17 Italian regions …
Photovoltaics: A Snapshot of Italian Regions: Here Are the Most Virtuous Ones
Photovoltaic: Here is the ranking of the most virtuous and productive Italian regions according to a study by the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable …
Photovoltaics, Piedmont is the region that produces the most energy
Appeal from Aceper President Veronica Pitea to the government: “We need to focus on how to increase the power and productivity of our plants, not on how to save by reducing consumption” …
Energy. Photovoltaics: VDA the most virtuous, Piedmont the most productive
Valle d’Aosta is the most “virtuous” region, while Piedmont is the top producer of solar power in Italy. This is confirmed by a study from Aceper (Association of Consumers and …
Renewable energy communities
An essential tool to overcome the limitations of installing a single system
A crucial point for Italy in 2023 is undoubtedly the continuation of an energy transformation process. The increase in consumption due to the higher cost of …
The ranking of the most virtuous regions in photovoltaics: Valle d’Aosta takes the top spot
The end of the year is approaching, and it’s time for reflections and, above all, rankings, including those in the energy sector Let’s start by saying that the past 12 months …
Magliano Alpi: Italian excellence in the field of renewable energy
With the establishment of Italy’s first Energy Community, the municipality of Granda has earned praise from the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy, through its president …
Piedmont, a photovoltaic region. Leading the national ranking for energy production
Regional Energy Advisor Matteo Marnati: «This demonstrates our Region’s great ability to invest in photovoltaics. We are only at the beginning of a journey that will …
Renewables: Pitea (Aceper), Magliano Alpi in Piedmont is an Italian Excellence
An excellent model of Italian administration from the perspective of renewables?
Veronica Pitea, President of ACEPER (Association …
In the fields, up to 10 billion cubic meters are lost each year
«How Much Waste in Agriculture» Aceper’s Report: «The Land is Irrigated Even When It’s Not Needed» Last year, the water shortage in rural areas cost 6 billion euros. This year, according to Coldiretti, the risk is …
History of Inflation and Why This Time (Maybe) It’s Different
Talking about inflation with an economist, or even worse with someone in finance, is always risky because you quickly get into technical aspects that confuse even the most eager individuals, creating doubts …
The Renewable Energy Association: «The CER of Magliano is an Italian excellence»
Address by the ACEPER President, Veronica Pitea, who explains: «veryone can achieve these results, but Energy Communities need to be well managed» …
Photovoltaic: Pitea (Aceper), “Very good Simplifications Decree, it speeds up plant procedures”
The President of the Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers: “I’m going against the current and siding with the government” …
Renewables: Pitea (Aceper), Magliano Alpi in Piedmont is an Italian excellence
An excellent model of Italian administration from the perspective of renewables? Veronica Pitea, President of ACEPER (Association of Renewable …
Photovoltaics: Pitea (Aceper), ‘Very good DL Simplifications, speeds up plant processes’
The President of the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energies: “I’m going against the tide and supporting the government” …
Photovoltaics: Piedmont ranks 1st in production
Piedmont ranks first among the Italian regions for solar energy production The data comes from a research by Aceper (Association of Consumers …
Interview with Veronica Pitea on TG4 – Rete 4
Aceper on TG4 (Rete 4 – Mediaset) – Interview with Veronica Pitea, President of A.C.E.P.E.R While waiting for a solution to the Price Cap issue …
Photovoltaics, Aceper: “Piedmont is the most productive region”
Piedmont region produces the most electricity from photovoltaic sources in Italy, while the Aosta Valley is the most “virtuous”. Lo stabilisce una ricerca di ACEPER (Associazione …
Interview with Veronica Pitea on TGCOM 24
Aceper on TGCOM 24 (Mediaset) – Interview with Veronica Pitea, President of A.C.E.P.E.R While waiting to find a solution for the Price Cap, it is always the renewable energy …
Photovoltaic, Aceper: “Valle d’Aosta is the most virtuous region, Piedmont is the most productive”
President Pitea’s appeal to the government: “We need to focus on how to increase the power and productivity of our plants, not on …
Coesa. Piedmont Leads Among Regions in Solar Electricity Production
According to the Fer Observatory, in the first half of 2022, the new installed capacity increased by 168%. These data are complemented by information from …
Piedmont is the Italian champion of photovoltaics
Piedmont is the region that produces the most electricity from photovoltaics, followed by Lombardy and Veneto Valle d’Aosta is the most efficient region in producing …
Photovoltaics and territory: how to reconcile them?
THE OPINION OF ACEPER Aceper (an association of consumers and producers of renewable energy that brings together 10,000 renewable energy production …
Photovoltaic: Piedmont Leads the Ranking for Energy Production
Councillor Marnati: “We are only at the beginning of a journey that will lead us to triple this figure by 2030” According to data from a study …
The analysis of Renewables: Here is the ranking of the most virtuous regions for photovoltaic production
Valle d’Aosta is the most “virtuous” region, while Piedmont is the top producer of photovoltaic energy in Italy …
Photovoltaic energy: Piedmont leads, Basilicata trails
Piedmont is the region that produces the most electricity from photovoltaics, followed by Lombardy and Veneto. Valle d’Aosta is the most …
Photovoltaic: Aceper study analyzes Italian regions
Valle d’Aosta is the most ‘virtuous’ region, while Piedmont is the top producer of photovoltaic energy in Italy. This is determined by a study from ACEPER …
Piedmont leads in energy production with photovoltaics
Piedmont is also third in terms of “virtuosity”
A study by Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy) on a sample of over 5,000 photovoltaic systems …
Smart irrigation
From Spain, a system that helps farmers save water, energy, and reduce labor time The Spanish startup BrioAgro specializes in smart irrigation. The technology invented by its founding …
Piedmont is the Italian champion of photovoltaics
Piedmont is the region that produces the most electricity from photovoltaics, followed by Lombardy and Veneto Valle d’Aosta is the most efficient region …
Energy: Aceper, stop for 10,000 photovoltaic plants after Government withdrawal
The companies producing energy from renewable sources under Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of …
Boom in photovoltaics in Italy: digitalization of energy becoming increasingly important
Italian solar power is experiencing record numbers not seen since the Conto Energia program in 2013: +12,000 installations …
Piedmont wins the renewables challenge
The Turin-based company is a key player in the race for solar energy Italy’s drive towards renewables shows no signs of slowing, with newly installed capacity growing …
Energy: Photovoltaic protest, plants closed for 3 days
(ANSA) – ROME, March 11 – In a statement, companies producing renewable energy associated with Aceper (Association of Renewable Energy Consumers …
Piedmont in First Place in the Solar Power Race
Italy is increasingly focusing on renewables, with the regions producing the most solar power being Piedmont, Lombardy, and Veneto …
High utility bills: Solar power savings of 24 billion
The President of the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy: «Solar power would have an immediate effect on high utility …
Piedmont, region of the sun: it ranks first in photovoltaic energy production
The data comes from a study by Aceper on a sample of over 5,000 Italian systems. Energy communities are the strong point of regional policy …
Innovative Green World: Innovation and Environmental Respect
Partnership with ACEPER for 360-Degree Consulting The biogas decree approved at the end of October 2022 will give a new boost to the production of green gas …
Photovoltaic: which Italian region generates the most energy?
Due to the high utility bills, many families have tried to take action. Some have made adjustments to limit their consumption by being mindful of waste and replacing …
Energy, Aceper: “Government Priority? New Regulations for Photovoltaic System Installations”
The ten-point guide from the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energies directed at the new government …
Piedmont, leader in photovoltaic energy production. This is according to a survey by Aceper
Valle d’Aosta is the region with the highest efficiency in solar energy production We all know by now that focusing on renewable …
Energy: ACEPER, three-day shutdown of photovoltaic plants
“Draghi and Cingolani, heed our call.” This request comes from Veronica Pitea, president of ACEPER (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy) …
The ranking of photovoltaics in Italy
The ranking was compiled by Aceper based on a sample of 5,236 photovoltaic systems located in 17 regions A study by Aceper (Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers), which brings …
Renewables: Pitea (Aceper), ‘The South has good opportunities despite bureaucracy and mafia’
“Renewables are the only crisis solution. The government should reduce bureaucracy; we are still too …
With Coesa, Piedmont is at the forefront of renewable energy
Founded in Turin in 2012 by Federico Sandrone and Dario Costanzo, Coesa is an ESCo (Energy Service Company) that simplifies the ecological transition …
The achievement of energy independence does not exclude the protection of the territory
ACEPER takes a stand on ground-mounted plants and agrivoltaics: “An opportunity towards green energy to be seized, and also …
Piedmont Champion of Photovoltaics
With 140 million kWh produced, the region ranks first in Italy. The findings of the Aceper study. The news comes amid controversy over Governor Cirio’s openness to nuclear energy Piedmont is the region that produces …
Expensive Bills: Pitea (Aceper), “With Photovoltaics, a Saving of 24 Billion”
The President of the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energies: “Unfortunately, bureaucracy and the instability of Italian governments …
Pitea (ACEPER): The South Can Grow with Photovoltaics Despite Mafia and Bureaucracy
According to Veronica Pitea, President of ACEPER, Southern Italy has good growth prospects with renewables and …
Pitea: “The South has good potential for renewables”
In the South, there are interesting incentives (Bonus Sud, Industry 4.0, Research & Development Tax Credit, grants) that could greatly support the development of …
Finally, incentives are available for photovoltaic systems and more
Maybe this time it’s for real. After many discussions aimed at encouraging companies to invest in the renewable energy sector, especially in the face …
Renewables are the only anti-crisis solution: less bureaucracy
«Renewables are the only anti-crisis solution. The government should reduce bureaucracy; we are still too cumbersome. The South has good prospects despite bureaucracy and the …
Renewables, Pitea (Aceper): “South has good prospects despite bureaucracy and mafia”
“Renewables are the only solution to the crisis. The government should reduce bureaucracy; we are still too cumbersome” …
Piedmont ranks first in Italy for solar power
According to data from a study conducted by Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy) Based on a sample of over 5,000 photovoltaic …
Energy: Aceper, three-day halt for photovoltaic plants
“Draghi and Cingolani, heed our call”.
Veronica Pitea, president of ACEPER (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy) …
Photovoltaic energy is growing in Italy: Piedmont leads the rankings
Despite 2022 not yet being over, the solar energy sector is reporting record numbers.
In just nine months, the photovoltaic capacity
installed in our …
High Utility Bills: How Much Can You Save with Solar Panels and How
Milan, January 16, 2023 – The rise in energy bills has eased somewhat, but it hasn’t disappeared entirely. The risk of a sudden spike in energy prices is still looming …
Photovoltaic: Regional Data from Aceper Research
A study conducted by Aceper – the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy – has highlighted that Valle d’Aosta is the most “virtuous” …
Made in Italy: €120 billion in lost revenue for Italian entrepreneurs
The Made in Italy sector is growing, but too many companies are lagging in e-commerce: however, solutions are available. The transition to digital and new business …
Energy, ACEPER: “Government Priority? New Regulations for Photovoltaic Installation”
Following the recent agreement reached by the European Council, which included among its measures for EU member countries …
Photovoltaics, ACEPER Ranking: Valle d’Aosta Most Virtuous Region
Valle d’Aosta is the most “virtuous” region, while Piedmont is the top producer of photovoltaic energy in Italy This is established by a study from ACEPER …
Photovoltaic Boom in Italy
Record numbers for Italian solar energy, unseen since the 2013 Conto Energia: +12,000 installations, totaling 1.6GW
Milan – Rome, January 18, 2023 In the first 9 months …
Photovoltaic: Piedmont leads the ranking for energy production
PIEDMONT – Piedmont ranks first among 17 Italian regions for photovoltaic energy production. The data emerged from research conducted by Aceper …
Veronica Pitea among the winners of the Global Award in Dubai
Energy: solar power protest, plants shut down for 3 days
Aceper: We’re shutting down 10,000 plants. It’s unsustainable to keep them open
(ANSA) – ROME, March 11 – The companies producing energy …
Photovoltaics: Piedmont is the Champion of Italy
It is the leading region for the highest production of electricity from the sun. However, it slips to third place for efficiency, after Valle D’Aosta and …
Dear Bills, Pitea (Aceper): “With Photovoltaics, Savings of 24 Billion”
The President of the Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers: “Unfortunately, bureaucracy and instability of the Italian governments are slowing down …
Piedmont: It is the Italian champion of photovoltaics according to Aceper
Piedmont is the region with the most photovoltaics, followed by Lombardy and Veneto. Valle d’Aosta is the region with the highest efficiency …
Energy, Aceper: “Government Priority? New regulations for the installation of photovoltaic systems”
In the wake of the agreement reached by the European Council in recent days, which included among the measures for EU …
Piedmont is the Italian champion of photovoltaics
Valle d’Aosta is the most efficient region for producing solar power. This is the finding of a study by Aceper conducted on a sample of 5,236 photovoltaic systems …
Photovoltaics in Italy: Growth Compared to 2021
Despite 2022 not yet being over, the solar energy sector is reporting record numbers. In just nine months, the photovoltaic power installed in our country has nearly …
Sustainability. Piedmont leads Italy in photovoltaic production
According to a recent study conducted by Aceper, the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy, founded in December 2014 by a group …
Aceper Research, Photovoltaics: Piedmont Leads the Ranking for Energy Production
Turin – According to data from research conducted by Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of …
Aceper announces a three-day strike of photovoltaic plants to spotlight the value of renewables
The Renewable Energy Producers Association lashes out against the government’s ambivalent stance on alternative sources …
Piedmont ranks first in photovoltaic energy production
A study by Aceper (Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers) on a sample of over 5,000 photovoltaic systems located throughout Italy …
Biomethane Decree 2022: 1.7 billion euros
With the ongoing energy crisis, the signing of the new Biomethane Decree on October 26, 2022, was highly anticipated. It involves 1.7 billion euros allocated …
Piedmont Leads the Rankings for Photovoltaic Production
TURIN (ITALPRESS) – According to data from research conducted by Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy) …
High Energy Bills Pitea (Aceper): With Photovoltaics, Savings of 24 Billion
The President of the Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy: “Unfortunately, bureaucracy and instability in the Italian government …
Coesa Key player in the race for photovoltaics
A recent study by Aceper places Piedmont in first position among the regions that produce the most electricity from photovoltaics, followed by Lombardy and Veneto …
Boom of Photovoltaics in Italy
In the first 9 months of 2022, the Italian photovoltaic sector recorded record numbers: 12,000 new installations, totaling 1.6 GW, a level of activity not seen since 2013, during the time of the last Energy Account…
Photovoltaics: Survey Region by Region
Piedmont is the region that produces the most electricity from photovoltaics, followed by Lombardy and VenetoValle d’Aosta is the most efficient region …
Aceper: Government priorities must be new regulations for photovoltaic systems
Published the ten commandments of the Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers addressed directly to the …
Energy: Photovoltaic Protest, Plants Closed for 3 Days
The companies producing energy from renewable sources of Aceper (Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers) announce in a statement …
Photovoltaics: All the Latest News and Incentives for Home Installation, and New Regional Tax Breaks
At the national level, the Italian Revenue Agency has published the rules for benefiting from the tax credit recognized for …
High Energy Bills, Pitea (Aceper): “With Photovoltaics, Savings of 24 Billion”
“Unfortunately, bureaucracy and instability of Italian governments slow down the development towards renewable energy …
Photovoltaics, Aceper: “Piedmont most productive region”
Piedmont is the region that produces the most from photovoltaics in Italy, while Valle d’Aosta is the most “virtuous” This is determined by a study conducted …
Rising Energy Bills: How Much Can You Save with Solar Panels?
The topic of renewable energy is global in nature, which is why each of us can make a significant contribution to the energy transition from fossil fuels to…
The future belongs to biomethane
A path to follow for the environment and an opportunity for farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs. The Italian and European scenario towards energy transition cannot disregard a …
Nuclear power is being discussed, but with the growth of renewables, an immediate 70% reduction in Russian gas is possible
The appeal from Legambiente: “Stop dependence on fossil sources”. And Aceper …
Pitea (Aceper) to the Meloni government: “Increase renewable energy installations”
As a leading representative of the renewable energy sector, I agree with Giorgia Meloni’s electoral program when she writes that …
In Italy, solar photovoltaic boom: Energy digitalization becoming increasingly important
Record numbers for Italian solar, not seen since the Energy Account of 2013: +12,000 installations, totaling 1.6 GW …
Solar power plants closed for three days in protest against the government: “Energy transition only in words”
Initiative by Aceper (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energies) which …
Enhanced depreciation/tax credit for capital assets: renewable energy power generation plants
With regard to the eligibility of assets for the purposes of the enhanced depreciation and/or tax credit regime, for an asset …
Veronica Pitea, Aceper: “Sustainability must be environmental, economic, and social”
According to the president of the Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers (ACEPER), to contribute to a new …
Dear Bills, Pitea (Aceper): “With Photovoltaics, Savings of 24 Billion”
The President of the Association of Renewable Energy Consumers and Producers: “Unfortunately, bureaucracy and instability of Italian governments slow down …
Renewable sector and youth employment: The future of green jobs
In recent times, keeping up with the pace has never been as challenging for companies; The energy transition has indeed involved businesses as well, which …
Anti-crisis photovoltaics: the importance of maintenance and the opportunities of revamping
Europe is facing an unprecedented energy crisis, which has led to a worrying increase in prices …
Construction of ground-based power plants: history, present, and future
“In some ways, 1979 seems like a distant year. Although in popular imagination the concept of solar energy immediately leaps forward into the future, 1979 was the year when the first...
Energy, Money, and Wars: history (could) teach us
As the global economy struggles to avoid recession, the Eurozone faces the risk of collapse, and the Dollar continues to strengthen, geopolitical tensions with …
Technology for biomethane, bio-LNG, and green hydrogen
Founded in 2003, Hysytech is an engineering company specialized in the design, development, and industrial implementation of new technologies and turnkey …
Italy ranks fifth to last in Europe for energy independence but second for availability
The position paper “Towards Italian Energy Independence: Water, Wind, Sun, Waste as Our Raw Materials,” created and presented by …
Interview with Veronica Pitea on TGCOM 24
While waiting to find a solution for the Price Cap, it is always the renewable energy sector, particularly photovoltaics, that suffers.
Veronica Pitea, president of ACEPER …
Interview with Veronica Pitea on TG4 – Rete 4
While waiting to find a solution for the Price Cap, it is always the renewable energy sector, particularly photovoltaics, that suffers.
Veronica Pitea, president of ACEPER …
Extraordinary intervention by Arera to prevent price doubling
Arera (Authority for Electricity, Networks, and Environment Regulation) intervenes to put a brake on the increase in electricity prices for households still under protection …
Recovery of tax credit up to 40% of the cost of energy raw materials
It appears you're mentioning that even small businesses that are not energy-intensive can benefit from a tax credit on electricity and gas bills. Subjects not...
Plastic: If You Know It, You Won’t Avoid It
Plastic doesn’t seem to align with the new ecological and sustainable principles we must implement to save the planet. However, for The IES Group, that’s not the case, and they …
To truly focus on renewables, it’s essential not to penalize small producers
A fundamental piece of the energy transition: to truly emphasize renewables, it’s essential not to penalize small producers …
Energy, ACEPER: “Government Priority? New Regulations for Installing Photovoltaic Systems”
The agenda with the most important economic events of the week, brief news on Italian companies making a mark both domestically and globally …
International Recognition for Veronica Pitea
International Recognition for the President of ACEPER Who Joins the World Business Angels Investment Forum as Italy’s Representative With her entry into the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) …
The Role of Women in a Changing World
Veronica Pitea, ACEPER President: We Don't Need Gender Quotas; Equality is a Cultural Issue That Must Be Taught to Our Children. The Role of Women in a Changing World Veronica Pitea,...

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