22 March 2023

“I’m going against the grain and supporting the government. On renewable energy, the government’s intentions seem good to us; when the implementation measures arrive, we will get to work. The simplification decree is very positive: it allows us to install photovoltaic systems quickly by bypassing part of the authorization process that was previously required,” declared Veronica Pitea, President of ACEPER (Association of Consumers and Producers of Renewable Energy), the association that brings together 10,000 renewable energy production plants, representing over 7,000 members with a total installed capacity exceeding 2 GWp.
“We also think it was right to suspend the Superbonus 110%, as the rules and implementation decrees written as they were were not suitable. When we saw the 110 a year ago, we reviewed the energy account and advised against starting work with the 110. We knew a disaster was coming because the market saw a great opportunity, no one monitored the prices, and inspections were done 10 years later,” concluded the President of ACEPER.
See here the article from Politicamentecorretto dated 17/03/2023
“Source Politicamentecorretto”

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